Zebra longwing Butterfly
First of all there are 4 stages to the life of a butterfly
Zebra Egg -- zebra Larva or caterpillar
zebra chrysalis or pupa -- zebra butterfly
The zebra longwing butterfly likes to hang out near the edge of the woods, darting in and out of trees looking for a place to spend the night. often times many butterflies will cluster together for awhile to sleep. they eat nectar and pollen when they are a butterfly and passion vine as a caterpillar. it is the state butterfly of florida. their wings dwarf their bodies but they still have that get up and go to get somewhere in a hurry if they had to.
{page 1} ~~~~~~~~~ Sulphur Butterfly
{page 2} ~~~~~~ Gulf Fritillary Butterfly
{page 3} ~~~~ black Swallowtail Butterfly
{page 4} ~~~~~~~~ Monarch Butterfly
{page 5} ~~~~ giant swallowtail Butterfly
{page 6} ~~~~~~~~~ queen Butterfly
{page 7} ~~~~~ Zebra longwing Butterfly
{page 8} ~~~~~~~~ Gold rim Butterfly
{Page 9} ~~~~~~ Painted lady butterfly
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