Gulf Fritillary Butterfly

First of all there are 4 stages to the life of a butterfly


gulf frit Egg -- gulf frit Larva or caterpillar

gulf frit chrysalis or pupa -- gulf frit butterfly


Gulf fritillary is one of florida's 3 long wing butterflies. it is the only long wing that eats nectar instead of pollen from a flower. pollen is usually the yellow stuff seen on bees while nectar is deep inside of the flower. larva feeds on the passion vine which makes the butterfly distasteful to birds. the gulf frit is best known for it's silver belly and is one of florida's most common butterflies. It cannot withstand freezing temperatures so it stays in warm areas.


{page 1} ~~~~~~~~~ Sulphur Butterfly

{page 2} ~~~~~~ Gulf Fritillary Butterfly

{page 3} ~~~~ black Swallowtail Butterfly

{page 4} ~~~~~~~~ Monarch Butterfly

{page 5} ~~~~ giant swallowtail Butterfly

{page 6} ~~~~~~~~~ queen Butterfly

{page 7} ~~~~~ Zebra longwing Butterfly

{page 8} ~~~~~~~~ Gold rim Butterfly

{Page 9} ~~~~~~ Painted lady butterfly


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